Restaurants and Menus
Start a Newspaper Menu Business
It's easy to start your own newspaper menu business.
Full or Part Time Income
Entrepreneurs are making good income all over by offering a simple concept to restaurants: You'll give them a free menu, design it, and print it for them, if in return you can sell ads to local businesses to be in their newspaper menu.
Everyone Wins
It's true. You win by making income, the business owners around town win because they're reaching directly to a restaurant's clientele, and the restaurant wins by being able to include the business community (who will come in to see their ads), get free menus, and be able to change their prices more often as well as have a promotional item for their restaurant and offer something truly unique as well. Everyone wins.
And it's easy
Simply find a restaurant that wants a menu newspaper, then go out and find business owners who want to put their business cards in that newspaper. Many times a restaurant already has hundreds of business cards on bulletin boards or on their counters from businesses who want to reach that restaurant's clientele. Charge them $100 and up, depending on how many newspaper menus the restaurant needs and how long they'll last. Then using our pre-made templates (see below samples for templates and to use our online cloud designer), design the menu, upload the business cards you've sold as ads, and print the newspaper and deliver to the restaurant . You can learn more details about how to run your restaurant newspaper business by visiting Profitable Newspapers.
Free Cloud Designer Templates
Our templates are 100% customizable, super user-friendly, and designed specifically to help you create outstanding restaurant menus with our free Cloud Designer. Below are a few of the 100s of templates available to you.