Don't Pay For Your Menus

Restaurant Menu Newspapers

The restaurant menu newspaper above is how the famous Big Nose Kate Saloon in Tombstone, Arizona offers their menu.

Help Businesses reach your customers

Network with your business owner customers and your menus could be free. Not only can you offer an extremely unique menu for your establishment, and change prices when you need to, but if you ask your regular business owner customers to put their business card in your newspaper menu, you could end up paying nothing for your menu. And maybe even make a profit! How many business owners come through your restaurant and want to leave a business card to promote their business? Many times on a bulletin board plastered with hundreds of cards that no one sees. Instead, (if you collect those cards, you have their phone numbers) ask those business owners for $100 or $200 to put their business card in your menu. Now those businesses, who already love your restaurant, will be reaching out to your other customers as well. And those customers are much more likely to see their ads in your menu rather than a business card on a bulletin board.

Remember, your restaurant newspaper menu has much more room for content because it's a newspaper with large pages. There's plenty of room for content, menu items and ads. People aren't offended by ads in newspapers either. It's accepted as normal.

Often, some of the businesses right around you are prime candidates for putting an ad in your newspaper menu. All you need do is ask! Collect 5 to 10 ads to put in your menu and you don't have to pay for your menu newspaper at all. When you run out of menus and need to order more, you can do that process all over again.

Give Someone a Job

If you know of someone who wants a side job and they are a good salesman or designer, have that person sell ads. They can sell those ads for whatever they want, design your menu for you, and pay for the printing costs from their ad revenue. Such a person could easily make $500 to $1500 from doing this. It is a great part time income for someone and you get free newspaper menus!


Free Cloud Designer Templates

Our templates are 100% customizable, super user-friendly, and designed specifically to help you create outstanding restaurant menus with our free Cloud Designer. Below are a few of the 100s of templates available to you.