Designer PRO for easy advanced designing
Unlimited PDFs, eNewspapers, Premium Templates, Pictures & More!
Designer PRO allows unlimited eNewspaper creation and publishing
Below is an example of how an eNewspaper would look if embedded on your website. Code is provided with each eNewspaper purchase that will allow you to embed it in a website that you own or manage. You can download a PDF directly from any eNewspaper.
Unlimited PDFs and eNewspapers
Not only does a Designer PRO subscription give you the ability to publish unlimited eNewspapers, but with unlimited PDF creation you have the power of proofing and even printing a home version of your designs first . . . something our free designer doesn't offer.
Hundreds of Premium Templates
While our free designer offers many good templates, Designer PRO gives you access to super easy yet advanced and modern premium templates. Magazine style, sans serif styles, open layout just to name a few. See below for some samples.
100,000+ Royalty Free Images
With a Digital PRO subscription, you will have immediate access--straight from our Designer--to over a hundred thousand images, vector art images and illustrations. All are print ready or usable for eNewspapers, too
What You Get with a Designer PRO subscription
The following benefits come with each Designer PRO purchase.
Designer PRO Pricing and Subscriptions
You can choose from the Designer PRO pricing options below.
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Choosing The Right Subscription
There are several factors you may need to consider in choosing which Designer PRO subscription is right for you:
- Frequency — How often do you intend to publish? If you are creating and publishing just once or once a year, for instance, then paying per publication might be the way to go if you don't need proofing tools or premium templates. However, if you are publishing daily, weekly, monthly or other consistent time frames, then choosing from our subscription plans will not only save you a bundle of money but give you the best designer tools as well.
- Need Proofs — If you need a lot of PDF proofs for your printed or eNewspaper publication, then a subscription will save you a lot of money.
- Multiple Publications — Some have several publications going at the same time. If this is you, a subscription will be save you a lot of money.
- Need More Designer Tools — Remember, a Designer PRO subscription includes premium templates, 100,000+ images, as well as unlimited PDF creation and eNewspaper publishing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely. Many customers design a newspaper and then only want an eNewspaper or PDF of their project. This can be purchased directly from within the Designer when you are finished for $19.
For the duration of a Designer PRO subscription, you can create as many eNewspapers and PDFs as you wish right from within the Designer using the "Publish / Print" button. Each eNewspaper can be shared, embedded on your website, and much more. PDFs can be directly downloaded to your computer and then used as a proof or printed directly from your business or home printer.
Yes! Anyone can use the subscriptions and take full benefit of the digital viewer and handy link to share your publication. AND, unlike other sites without a Designer, when you order through us, your eNewspaper is absolutely ad free and you share your publication with no other publications. Your eNewspaper is private and safe from the adult content of other publications.
Two (2) years. At which point, we delete them from our system. To keep a permanent copy of your project, you will need to download the PDF to your computer. Current subscribers may, of course re-upload their PDF and get another eNewspaper once it has been purged from our system. Non-subscribers may also re-upload their PDF and order another eNewspaper as well.
Yes. Non-subscribers and subscribers alike may order a PDF only of their Designer project. Keep in mind, however, that you get a PDF regardless. A PDF comes with ALL eNewspapers.
It takes between 5 and 20 minutes for the PDF to render and the eNewspaper to be created. On your initial order, you will receive 2 emails. The first is an order confirmation. The second comes later and will contain the links to access your eNewspaper and PDF. If you have a subscription already and are using our Designer, you get the PDF and eNewspaper faster and directly from within the Designer. Simply click the "eNewspaper" publishing button to get your eNewspaper and PDF.
Premium Cloud Designer Templates
Our premium templates are 100% customizable, super user-friendly, and designed specifically to help you create outstanding print and eNewspapers with our Cloud Designer. Below are a few of the 100s of templates available to you with Designer PRO.