Guides and Tutorials
Postal Ready Newspapers
NOTE: The following applies only to the United States Postal Service. For local rates and requirements, please refer to your own postal service.
The Post Office offers several types of mailing services for newspapers.
The three main services include:
- Direct Mail (200 or more pieces)
- Every Door Direct (saturating a zip code and carrier routes)
- Per Piece Mailing (no permit required)
Direct Mail and Every Door Direct can save you substantial money in postage fees. In many cases, a permit is required, which you can get from the Post Office. Some Every Door Direct mailings do not require a permit. Non-profit permits are also available which will give you an even lower rate if you meet the requirements.
We believe most customers are best served by simply calling a local mailing house and asking them what requirements are involved. A mailing house can help you get the best rates not only in postage, but in ink-jetting addresses on your newspapers as well. However, you can also use labels on your newspapers.
Remember, in any bulk mailing, the address line is left blank and the addresses must be ink-jetted on each newspaper (or labeled) from a mailing list (you would supply this list) or you would need specific wording in the address space if you are using Every Door Direct mailing. The Post Office website will tell you what wording you need to use Every Door Direct.
No matter what service you choose, there is a format design required for you to mail your newspaper or the Post Office will not accept them.
If you are using our Cloud Newspaper Designer, we have more than one Template that is Postal Ready. In the template, the layout for the addressing, return addressing and permit is shown (you will have to determine whether you need a permit or not). If a permit is required, you will upload that permit into our Designer and place in the position that the template shows. If you are Direct Mailing them from a list, you would leave the address line blank and let your local mailing house ink-jet the addresses on your newspapers once they arrive or use labels. If you are using Every Door Direct, certain wording is required by the Post Office (see USPS website) to put in the address space.
If you are using your own publishing program, here is a brief description of what the Post Office requires (please read the USPS guidelines for verification):
You will need a space, ideally about 2 inches by 4 inches, at the bottom left hand corner of your newspaper’s front page.
Just like an envelope, that space would have the return address on the top left, the permit (or stamp or postal charge) on the top right, and the address where it’s being mailed in the middle center.
This is a diagram of how it could look for direct mailing:

If you are mailing them individually you do not need to ink-jet or label an address or print a permit. The entire space could be left blank.
Non-profit Publications
The following conditions are supplied by the United States Post Office for non-profit publications to be able to mail under non-profit status:
Q. What types of advertising are not eligible?
A. The following types of advertising are not eligible in a direct mailed newspaper:
- Any advertisements that promote credit, debit, or charge cards are always prohibited at Nonprofit Standard Mail prices.
- Advertising that promotes or offers any insurance policy is ineligible for Nonprofit Standard Mail prices, unless it is promoted to members, donors, supporters, or beneficiaries of the authorized mailer and provided the type of insurance is not generally, otherwise, commercially available.
- Advertising or announcements that promote the availability of any travel arrangement are ineligible unless the arrangement is promoted to members, donors, and supporters of the organization, and the reason for the travel must contribute substantially to the organization's qualifying purpose.
Q. How can I make sure my newspaper meets the content requirements of a Periodicals publication?
A. To meet those requirements, a newsletter must:
- Have a title printed on the front cover.
- Consist of printed sheets and not be reproduced by stencil, mimeograph, or hectograph processes.
- Contain an identification statement within the first five pages. This statement must include the title; issue dates; publication frequency; name and address of the organization; issue number; International Standard Serial Number, if applicable, and the subscription price, if applicable.
- Have contents that are at least 25% non-advertising.