Family Reunion Newspapers
Great Reunions
What makes a great reunion? For most, it is just seeing each other again after a time of separation. Making it great means being there—you and those who you have been separated from. It’s about seeing the changes and remembering the past. It is about sharing your photos and stories is another way to make it great. MakeMyNewspaper can help with that.
Making a Reunion Great
A reunion is a time of re-connection and interaction. Making a reunion great is easy:
- Be There. There is nothing that can replace your presence at the reunion. As many people as you can get there to share in the festivities, the re-connection, and the fun, the more enjoyable the reunion will be.
- Communicate. Don't get so busy that you don't give people the chance to talk and catch up. That is what a reunion is for. It is to feel you are once again part of someone's life. We recommend our newspapers as another means of communication, of course, but giving people the "low-down" or the positive "gossip" on each other's lives is an essential part of any family reunion.
- Involve Everyone. Have activities for all ages, but also try to find ways to intermingle the generations. For example, Grandpa Bill might tell a story to the kids of what it was like when he was a kid. Grandma Martha might teach all the cooks in the family the secret to her famous recipe. Adding much of this to a newspaper will also allow people to relive these memories over and over again.
- Kill the Feuds. Family aren't always going to get along and when it comes to family, there can be some of the most strident and vocal disagreements. Your reunion shouldn't be a place for those feuds to find a platform.
- Make a Family Newspaper. There might not be any better medium to share so many of the important things in each other's lives than a personalized newspaper. You can do so many things with it that people will love and keep for many, many years.
To get started, choose any of the templates listed below and begin designing right away! This might be the best gift you give away at your next reunion.
Free Cloud Designer Templates
Our templates are 100% customizable, super user-friendly, and designed specifically to help you create outstanding reunion newspapers with our free Cloud Designer. Below are a few of the 100s of templates available to you.