Political Newspapers
Political Brochures Vs. Political Newspapers
The purpose of a political brochure is threefold:
- To get your name out.
- To look organized and professional.
- To get your message out.
A political brochure can accomplish the first two easily enough, but as far as getting your message out, it has only limited room. Most political brochures only bullet point a politician’s positions and beliefs—but it does not convey your passion, your energy, or your conviction. There simply isn’t enough room.
Here at MakeMyNewspaper, we believe that getting your message out is as important as getting your name out. We also believe that a well-organized, professional looking newspaper will have significantly more impact on potential voters than a brochure, a yard sign, or a flyer. The reason is simple. With a newspaper, you have the room to share your passion and convictions! People can read all about where you stand and why you stand there. You have the ability not just to state what you think and believe, but sway others to your point of view. In other words, you get to tell your side of the story—really tell it.
Let’s take each point and examine how a newspaper might be better suited to your political campaign needs and why voters might be more intrigued by a newspaper than by any other media.
Getting Your Name Out
The average voter knows very little about the candidates on the ballot. In most cases, what they know is what their opponents say about various candidates or they simply recognize a name from seeing a yard sign somewhere.
But a name is best remembered when it is associated with something. This is why many candidates pick some sort of slogan to run on—name association. This slogan is printed on signs, banners, brochures, and flyers. But it is limited.
While this is still a good strategy, a newspaper will help you expand on your name and slogan recognition in ways you haven’t been able to do before. Associate your name with issues that people care about—not just one issue. Get your name blazoned across the front page of your own personalized newspaper and get them out to the community. You get to control what your name is associated with. You control your own name recognition.
There is famous and infamous. Both have name recognition. With a newspaper, you can control that image.
Looking Organized and Professional
A newspaper can be designed and laid out in a very professional manner. It can look sharp, cost less than the average full color flyer, and has universal appeal. Think about it. You come home and you find a flyer stuck in your door. It is a political flyer with someone’s face and a slogan and an appeal to vote for the face. It looks professional, organized, but most people will probably just throw it away. There is so little substance to it.
Now imagine finding a full newspaper on your doorstep. It still has the face, still has the slogan, still has the appeal to vote, but it also has information about what is inside, articles on the candidate’s position, arguments for his/her stand, the whys and the wherefores. Many more people, out of curiosity will at least open it up and flip through it. Now you have the chance to catch their eye with something near and dear to their heart. You now have a real chance of winning them over.
With a professional and organized newspaper, you can appeal to many more people.
Getting Your Message Out
As already stated, with a newspaper, you have so much more room to get your message across, share your conviction, and really have a chance to win people over to your point of view. Our standard sized newspaper means that every page is 11x14 and has a minimum of 4 pages—nearly 3 to 4 times the room of a front and back 8.5x11 flyer. Adding additional pages is negligible in cost, but you greatly expand your ability to tell your side of any issue.
A political newspaper gives you the ability to offer real substance over other candidates, something you cannot really do with a flyer or political brochure. Our templates are 100% customizable and allows you the freedom to design your political newspaper your way—in the way you want.
Examples for Inspiration
Free Cloud Designer Templates
Our templates are 100% customizable, super user-friendly, and designed specifically to help you create outstanding political or campaign newspapers with our free Cloud Designer. Below are a few of the 100s of templates available to you.